A Thing Of Beauty Is A Joy Forever - Keats


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Over the years we have created custom content management systems (CMS) & E-commerce websites for our customers. Since 2009, we focused on using Open source software, such as osCommerce, Joomla & WordPress. Out of these somewhere down the line we focused only on WordPress after seeing how creatively it was used by companies worldwide. And I’m glad we never had to regret the decision because WordPress economy is just maturing.

Art is the only serious thing in the world.
And the artist is the only person who is never serious.

Oscar Wilde

Creating websites with WordPress is getting simpler everyday with so many great free and commercial themes and plugins available. No matter what the client’s budget, it has become easier to offer them a solution built on top of WordPress. However with growing number of WordPress sites to manage, some of the 2 biggest issues we faced in the past were:

Time spent on logging into each WordPress sites to do basic tasks Multiple steps involved for taking complete backups

About Admin

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